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Joining Girl Scouts with Troop 1806


1806cbridgingOur Council has an online way to find and join a Girl Scout troop near you: Finding a Girl Scout Troop in NC Coastal Pines Council.  To be able to control our troop and patrol sizes, Troop 1806 only allows a limited number of girls to join us through the online system - be sure to ask us first about openings in Troop 1806  before using the online system.  Adults can join us through the online system.

A girl can join Troop 1806, provided that (1) she is a girl in first grade through sixth grade, and (2) is part of a Troop 1806 patrol forming to receive her and other girls, or is joining an existing Troop 1806 patrol which has room and is willing to add her as a member and (3) completes a Girl Registration Form and a Form TP105, and pays the fees to Troop 1806.  The fee charged by Troop 1806 to register a girl is $75 ($50 troop dues + $25 GSUSA registration).  The forms and fees are submitted to troop co-leader Chip Reinhardt.  Upon receipt of the three forms and the fees, Troop 1806 will then register the girl.  The girl’s family will also be enrolled in the troop’s googlegroups e-mail system (GSTroop1806).rally pic 3

INTEREST LISTS AND WAIT LISTS:  Every spring, we open our interest list for new girls to join Troop 1806.  During the year, we receive inquiries about joining at all our levels (first through sixth grade, Daisy through Cadette).  If we can’t find room for girls in an existing patrol, then, if they request it, we put them on an interest/waiting  list.  We are also open to forming new patrols at any of our grade levels (see below).

Contact Chip Reinhardt to be put on an interest list, to see if there might be an opening in an existing patrol, or to form a new patrol.

FORMING A NEW TROOP 1806 PATROL:  Troop 1806 allows new patrols to form at any time, at any of our grade levels (first grade through seventh grade).  A new patrol requires a minimum of four girls and two adults willing to be leaders.  Every May, we bridge out our 5th graders who are graduating to 6th grade Cadettes, but right after that new Daisy patrols form for rising first graders.

JOINING GIRL SCOUTS, BUT NOT WITH TROOP 1806.  Girls who are interested in joining Girl Scouts, but who are not able to join Troop 1806 because (1) they live too far away from our central/southwest Durham home base, (2) they are not 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 6th graders, or (3) our troop/program level is full at the girl’s grade level, should contact the Council’s membership manager for your location.  Morgan C. Bullock is the Council’s membership manager for Durham and Person counties:  Phone 919-599-7007, E-mail mbullock at  You can also explore the online GSUSA registration system, that lets you enroll in Girl Scouts, and find a troop with openings in your area within our Council.  See link here:  Finding a Girl Scout Troop.  As noted above, Troop 1806 has only limited participation in this online registration system.

Girl Registration:   A Girl Scout registration is good from October 1 through September 30, and must renew every fall to be active. 2023-2024 Girl Registration Form Download.  Girls will be given an opportunity in the spring to re-register “early bird,” but this still only renews membership from October 1 through September 30.  Regardless of when a girl joins Troop 1806, GSUSA will collect the annual $25 registration fee - there is no pro-ration of the GSUSA fee for a partial year.

TP105 Form:  A TP105 Parent/Guardian Permission Form for Troop Outings can be downloaded and printed out here:  TP105 Form Download.  This form is required by our Council for any members to go anywhere outside a regular troop meeting, such as a field trip or camping trip.  This form must be renewed every year along with registration.  A copy of the TP105 is held by both the troop leadership and the girl’s patrol leadership.

TP106 Form:  A TP106 Health History for Adults (the Health History for Girls is now part of the TP105) can be downloaded and printed out here:   TP106 Form Download.  This form is required by our Council for all registered adults, and must be renewed each year with registration.  A copy of the TP106 is held by both the troop leadership and the girl’s patrol leadership.

ADULT REGISTRATION:  Except for adults who plan on camping overnight with the troop, a girl’s parents are not required to submit an application nor pay any annual fee to participate in troop/level activities with their daughters.  Without solid parental participation and leadership, Troop 1806 cannot provide a quality program to the girls.

Male and female adults over the age of 18 can join Troop 1806 provided that his or her application is accepted and approved by GSUSA and by North Carolina Coastal Pines Council.  All direct leaders, patrol leaders, AND any adult wanting to camp overnight with Troop 1806 (including parents) must be registered and submit to a background check which include searches for criminal convictions.

Adult Male or Female Registration for Parent/Chaperones (not Direct Leaders):  The easiest way to register as an adult parent/chaperone (not a direct leader) is to use the adult volunteer online process, which starts at this link:    You should be able to select our troop, and your position is “parent/chaperone.”  Once you complete the process, be sure to send us a completed Form TP106 (see above).  Once registered, the adult should then initiate the background check from the Council. There is no cost to complete the background check, and only registered adults with approved background checks will be allowed to camp with the troop.

Becoming a Direct Leader (Male or Female):  To become a direct leader, such as a patrol co-leader, there is now a one-stop online procedure.  Just start at the same link:, and select Troop Leader as the position, and Troop 1806 as the troop.  Volunteer leaders will also need to submit a Form TP106 to the troop upon completion of the leader process.  There are also several training courses required, but most of it is available online, at the convenience of the leader.